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The difference between a retirement village and a rest home

There are different stages in retirement where we may want or need to make a change in where we live. For some it is companionship, or security and for others it is a necessity to get the support that they need.

Understanding the difference between Retirement Villages and Rest Homes, and what they both provide, is important so that you can make the right move for you and your needs.

A Retirement Village is a community for people nearing or in retirement that offers independent housing through a variety of options such as apartments, villas, or cottages.

Retirement Villages are designed to be a community of residents who can live independently but want a little more freedom from the day to day maintenance that they may have been dealing with in their previous home.  They see the benefit of living in a cottage, villa or apartment within a secure, friendly and supportive environment with a range of amenities and activities on their doorstep.

The beauty of a retirement village is that, once you have moved in, you can engage in as many or few of the social gatherings and activities that you feel comfortable with.  Independence is key.

There are different levels of amenities depending on each Retirement Village. Some have libraries, gyms, swimming facilities, dining rooms and recreation areas.  Services may include meals, cleaning, planned activities, exercise classes and excursions.

A Retirement Village offers safety and security. Outside maintenance is taken care of and often they supply shuttle services or ride-sharing options so you can run errands, attend appointments or shop for groceries should you no longer wish to drive.

A Rest Home caters more to those who need more hands-on assistance through 24/7 support.

Rest Homes are usually chosen out of necessity. Daily activities may have become more difficult due to age-related health conditions or disabilities and living independently, either at home or in a retirement village, may no longer be an option.

Rest Homes usually provide a room with ensuite facilities which is part of a larger facility with staff on hand to assist with bathing, dressing, toileting, medication management and other daily activities. 

All meals are prepared for you with attention paid to any specific dietary needs and preferences. These are discussed with you or your family when you take up residence.  Tailored programs for your physical and mental well-being are also discussed with you and plans established to keep you as mobile and your mind as active as possible.

Connection and community are encouraged by having your meals with other residents and being involved in planned weekly activities and mini excursions for those who are able.

It is important to note that some Retirement Villages also have Rest Home care facilities on-site or nearby, so you should be clear about which type of living you are looking for. 

The independent living in the Retirement Village is usually managed separately to the Rest Home care services. However, the advantage to both being close to each other is that, should your needs change, the transition to Rest Home care would mean you would be staying in the same community, with friends and neighbours remaining close by.   It’s also a benefit if a couple, with differing levels or care, wish to remain as close to each other as possible.

Many find the ultimate transition is to move into a Retirement Village early enough so that they can still enjoy their independence and then, when the time comes, transition into Rest Home care. 

Matua Village provides the independent living of a retirement village, nestled in beautiful grounds in the heart of Matua, Tauranga, with Radius Care providing rest home care facilities on the same property.  This can be an ideal solution for couples, wanting to stay close together but with differing levels of care needed, or for couples wanting to enjoy their independence but have the convenience of additional rest home care as their individual needs change over time.

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